πŸ’œ ANNOUNCING: Mindful Body Magic Pre-Sale πŸ’œ



Hello lovely!

Cue the confetti! πŸŽ‰ The Mindful Body Magic course and group coaching series is live and in pre-sale!

As a huge THANK YOU to all of my fabulous email besties, I am offering $100 dollars off for one week only. With this discount, it's my hope to get a nice community built before the course fully launches at the end of this month. So, after you join, please head on over to Instagram and say hello using #mindfulbodymagic to connect with the squad!

Community is one of the core values of MBM. While I do NOT miss the competition, comparison, and validation-seeking of the group programs I've participated in the past, I DO miss the sincere support and long lasting friendships. When I dream of what Mindful Body Magic could be, I imagine a group of bad ass body loving babes fiercely hyping one another up and cheering each other along as we ALL thrive.

So I want to invite YOU. You are welcome; you are the magic of this program. Whether you are far along on your body love path, or still critiquing yourself in the mirror at every opportunity - this program is for you. If you are currently on a fitness journey, or haven't experienced joyful movement in years - this program is for you. It doesn't matter if your mind is full of affirmations, or constantly chattering with negative self-talk - this program is for you, my love.

If you're ready to dive in, click the link below and join the fun! The page below contains all the details you need to know to get the most out of this program. If you have questions, reach out to me and I will support you in every way I can!






Balanced Imperfectly

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