🧑 Something Magical Within 🧑



Hey babe,

Have you been loving yourself this summer? I hope you've been frolicking freely at the beach, wearing what you love, and showering your body with summery self-care! This time of year, as wonderful as it can be, can also be riddled with mean-girl thoughts, unhelpful comparisons, and memories of self-conscious summers passed. How are you hanging in there?

I want to invite you to join me over on Instagram where I've been fillin' the feed with body-love content! We've been celebrating wearing what we want, when we want. We've been writing love notes to our tummies. And best of all we've been giving the middle finger to diet-culture (my favorite).

But here's the deal, friend... I have something ✨magical✨ in the works. Over the last few months, I have been transforming my signature guide, Mindful Body Magic, into an inspirational and potent ONLINE COURSE! Can you hear my shouts of absolute glee? MBM is a program that is here to make change in your heart, mind, body - and hopefully the world. I understand how bold this sounds, but I want this message to reverberate throughout the communities that need it most. I have experienced firsthand the transformation that is possible when we move our energy from intentional body change, and redirect it to flow into our passions - which gets us closer to the things we truly want.

I know the impact of Mindful Body Magic - because I've lived it. What I don't know yet, but am so excited to find out, is what can happen when we do this as a community. This August will be the first round of MBM with group coaching where we'll complete the course work together, and support one another every step of the way. I hope you're feeling that tingle of excitement - because I know I am!

Keep your eyes out, love, because I will be sharing more about how to join us on this journey over the coming week! I want to be in community with you. And I want to watch us all grow and thrive together. Please consider sharing this email with a friend who might benefit from our upcoming course. It would mean the world to me!

Until next time πŸ’–




Balanced Imperfectly

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